Today we started off at Craft Camp, wrapping everything up. I didn’t mention it is held at the Viljandi Culture Academy and is taken seriously as part of their academia. We were being taught by some of the best Master’s of their crafts, with some of them being lecturers at the school. It was the most incredible experience and I really enjoyed how they kept it authentic to the old ways. If we wanted to deviate from this they would tell us we could but it was not authentic. I really liked how important that was to them to continue to do the craft in the same ways they have been done for generations. There was such an abundance and huge range of käsitöö people had created over the last several days, and I was blown away at the talent in the room. See for yourself! My intentions are to come back next year and I invite anyone to join me! After we viewed each others items we had a little closing circle and graduation ceremony. We all went through what we will take away from the experience. The take aways varied greatly. I am taking way my new found passion for Eesti Käsitöö. I liked it before but now I really want to create it. I will also take away some friendships and some wonderful new skills, ie, sewing on a button! It was really nice having a little graduation, and doing this gives us two credit points if we decide to take on any courses in Estonia. In the afternoon I drove back to Tartu, for the AGM of the Global Estonian Youth Network (Ülemaailmne Eesti Noortevõrgustik ÜENV). It was held in an old student house in Tartu. I loved it! it was such a unique space to be in and the building and student association was established over 100 years ago. I felt very grateful to be there and being in this building, it was wonderful. During this meeting, Ella Scott joined us via zoom and thankfully she did. The President, Nora, started to translate the meeting for me but Ella had to take over because Nora was running the meeting. Some wonderful ideas and connections were developed at this meeting and it is seemingly simple, we just need to connect the Estonian Youth around the world! I was inspired by these guys and what they have achieved, and what they will achieve. This organisation is backed by the Estonian Government in a big way and the Estonian World Council. It is a great opportunity to connect the old with the new and really develop the excitement and passion for Estonianism in some really unique ways. I was honoured when they told me they had a discussion and invited me to be the Australian Ambassador of the network and some kind of cultural enthusiast! I was so grateful for this and I think we were all excited in many ways, at the possibility of the connections we can make and from my perspective, how the Youth of Australia can connect to the rest around the world. It could be as simple as couch surfing using the network, or attending an event in another country if you are there and connecting with other Global Estonians. It is an incredible thing they are doing and I really hope I can help in what ever way I can. Ella and I are both really excited and some ideas and prospects of what we can do in Australia and see what unfolds.
Until tomorrow Marissa xx
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