Connect with me on my journey through Sweden and Estonia...
I am an Australian Estonian, traveling around Sweden & Estonia this summer, sharing in a range of cultural experiences, connecting with Estonians, nature, craft and an abundance of amazing experiences. A delicious recount of my travels, learnings and reflections. I am looking forward to sharing my unique experiences and stories of my eight weeks in Sweden and Estonia. I am excited about sharing my view on Estonia with my connection to Estonia being a passion and big focus of my life. Sharing this with who ever would like to connect with my story is an absolute pleasure and delight, something I am very much feeling vulnerable with, but if we are not courageous and sharing ourselves, then how do we grow? I am very grateful for the time you take to read my thoughts and experiences and can't wait to see what unfolds.
I look forward to start writing and seeing where my thoughts, experiences and travels take me. Connect with me and start reading my story...Day 1 - Living the Swedish Life
Day 2 - Putting on a Brave Face Day 3 - Swedish Midsommer - Highlight Day 4 - Time with our Swedish Family Day 5 - Connections and Getting to know the Vikings of Uppsala Day 6 - Coming home... Day 7 - Exploring the Old Town Day 8 - Connections Day 9 - Waves of Emotion - Highlight Day 10 - Diplomacy and Dancing - Highlight Day 11 - Creating Memories Day 12 - Elagu Eesti - Highlight Day 13 - Chilled Vibes and Thunderstorms Day 14 - Calm Before the Storm Day 15 - Venturing Out of Tallinn Day 16 - Hea Päev, Sillamäe, Narva ja Sinimägi - Highlight Day 17 - Connecting the Dots Day 18 - Thunderstorms, Tours and Trout Farms Day 19 - Conversations and WELCOME TO CRAFT CAMP Day 20 - Nothing Like I Ever Expected - Highlight Day 21 - Creating a vöö Day 22 - A Trip to Mulgimaa - Highlight Day 23 - Learning the Craft Day 24 - Becoming a Shoe Maker Day 25 - An Abundance of Käsitöö and Ambassadorship Day 26 - Time with the Family and Reflection's on Estonia's History Day 27 - Tales of "Kevade" and "Kalevipoeg" - Highlight Day 28 - Thoughts of Grandeur, Käsitöö and Rahvariide Day 29 - Rest and Recuperation Day 30 - Spa's and Scooters Day 31 - Unbelievable Experiences in Setomaa - Highlight, MUST READ Day 32 - Learning Some History Day 33 - Metsa Päev Day 34 - Talu Life Day 35 - Family, Friends and Metsa Day 36 - A Day of Silliness Day 37 - A Trip to Pärnu Day 38 - A Journey Into the Fairy Garden Highlight Day 39 - SPA DAY! Day 40 - A Day of Rest Day 41 - Back to the Capital Day 42 - History, Customs and Culture Day 43 - Connecting to My Roots Day 44 - Unexpected Delights Day 45 - Seto Living Day 46 - Seto Kingdom Day Highlight |
Exited and grateful to share my stories with more peopleMy story, "Elagu Eesti" was published in Global Estonian's. I was really excited and grateful they had honoured me in such a way. When I first started writing my stories, I did not expect this to happen. Thank you for those who helped make this happen, I am very grateful.
Ta Lendab Mesipuu Poole - The Bees Fly to the Hive